Ajay Gupta
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Ajay Gupta

Ajay Gupta, SEBI Registered Research Analyst having more than 29 years experience in share market.

Ajay Gupta, SEBI Registered Research Analyst having more than 29 years experience in share market.

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Years of experience

29 Years

SEBI Registered


All your questions answered

Frequently asked questions

What are the products offered?
Short Term Research Reports, Long Term Research Report
What is their investment philosophy?
I will provide technical and fundamental calls.
What is a smallcase ?
A smallcase is a basket of stocks/ETFs* in a specified weighting scheme that reflects a certain objective (ideas, themes, strategies), backed by the research of the smallcase manager. You can invest in a smallcase in 2 clicks., *ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) are baskets of securities that track an underlying index (Nifty, Gold, etc) and can be bought and sold on the exchange.
Who can subscribe to these smallcases?
The smallcase manager decides who can invest in the smallcases created by them and can create two types of smallcases :, Exclusive smallcases : smallcases which require a subscription to the smallcase manager's Advisory in order to invest in the smallcase. You can subscribe to a smallcase directly from the smallcase profile through the subscription form., Public smallcases : smallcases in which anyone who has an account with our partner brokers can invest. You can invest in this smallcase by clicking on “Buy smallcase” in the smallcase profile and logging with your broker credentials.,
How do I track my smallcases?
When you buy a smallcase, the index value is set to 100 on the buy day - this helps you track the total returns without having to monitor each stock. You can also use the performance metrics to get a more detailed understanding of your smallcase.
Are there lock-in periods?
There are no lock-in periods, so you may sell your smallcases anytime. As a concept however, smallcases work best when used for long-term investing.
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